Test all the things

Usually one would hide / delete a post which has been created for the sole purpose of exercising all the aspects of theming, but hey, someone might find this interesting - see inside the mind of a madman if you will. As you may be able to tell I am all about the markdown. So concise, yet flavourful. Hemingway would have been a fan. Anyhoo, what follows exercises all the things currently supported or almost supported.

Smart quotes? “double” and ‘single’.

Some dashes – dash — mdash;

Backticks with a highlight thing{.highlight} and another without a highlight thing.

How about some general ^highlighting of a few words^? Not yet - gotta write that extension! Or how about ==doing it this== way?

Link to this section This should be red

Link to this section Add a class

How about a task list?

  • Install this extension
  • ???
  • Profit!

An external link in a markup link with title.

An internal link .

A link {.special} with a class.

A really long autolink: htt

An external inline link: www.google.com .

An email address test@example.com .

This1 should be a link to footnote below. And so should this2.

Some formatted text such as Bold, Italic Strikethrough? yeah baybee.

How about some tables:


Link to this section Block quotes

This is a block quote using an angled bracket

With some text inbetween two block quotes, as two blockquotes after each other is unusual.

This is a much longer block quote which will span lots and lots of lines - well, more than one line I suspect.

More block quote things:

First paragraph.

Another paragraph.

Footnote in a blockquote which shouldn’t affect the line height:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.3

Time for a list:

  • This is a list item, which I will make super duper pooooper long so that it spans a couple of lines, fingers crossed
  • Another item
    • An item underneath an item
      • And another one
  • And another
    • Underneath
    • Underneath 2

Ordered list:

  1. First
  2. This is another numbered list item, which I will make super duper pooooper long so that it spans a couple of lines, fingers crossed
    1. This is under numero 2
  3. Third

Link to this section Heading 2

Link to this section Heading 3

Link to this section Heading 4

Link to this section Heading 5
Link to this section Heading 6

It’s a link to google . How about a link to an internal page?

A long code inside a list:

  • Install brew:
    • From brew.sh
    • This is long: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
    • This also installs Xcode command line tools

How about some PHP code:, 3 line highlighted:

function aLongerMethodWithManyParams(string $param1, int $aGreatNumber, ?string $notNeeded = null) {
  $hello = [];
$arr = [
  '0' => $blah,

Js code:

let thing = () => 1 + 1;
var it = function() {
  return true;
const foo = 'bar';


  - blah:
    value: 'awesome'


function! Customfoldtext() abort
  "get first non-blank line
  let fs = v:foldstart
  while getline(fs) =~ '^\s*$' | let fs = nextnonblank(fs + 1)
  if fs > v:foldend
    let line = getline(v:foldstart)
    let line = substitute(getline(fs), '\t', repeat(' ', &tabstop), 'g')


jira_submit() {
  read -p "Submit running timer [y,n,?]" yn
  case $yn in
    [Yy]* ) jira_worklog_time "$issue"; watson stop;;
    [Nn]* ) watson stop;;
    [?]* ) echo "Yes [y], no [n]";;
    * ) echo "Please select an option.";;


What should follow is a horizontal rule.

A PNG image:

a dandy caption

An animated GIF:

gif of insertion
caption for the gif

A PNG with transparency, no caption:

terminal window with shadow

And that’s all folks!

  1. As mentioned previously, previously, previously. ↩︎

  2. Also mentioned previously, previously, previously and probably somewhere else too. ↩︎

  3. Foot note linked in from the blockquote. ↩︎

  • Testing
  • Jan 1, 2018 ( Apr 22, 2024)